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Henley Podiatry

Henley Podiatry treat a range of foot and lower limb conditions. Their speciality is taking a proactive and preventative approach to foot and lower limb care and their goal is to change the way patients think about their feet and overall health and wellbeing.

Henley Podiatry treat a range of foot and lower limb conditions. Their speciality is taking a proactive and preventative approach to foot and lower limb care and their goal is to change the way patients think about their feet and overall health and wellbeing.

Type of Clinic: Podiatry

Lead Clinician(s) for Run3D & Qualifications: Jessica Werner, BSc (Hons) Podiatry

Special Interests: Musculoskeletal injuries, Running Injuries, Plantar Fasciitis, Ankle Injuries, Gait Retraining ,Clinical Pilates

Suitable for: All Ages, Adults, Runners & Walkers


Badgemore House, Badgemore Park, Henley on Thames, RG9 4NR

Phone number:
01491 260320
Email Address:

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